Unit 2: Biological Basis of Behavior
What is that makes an organism living? The
answer is presence of the basic unit of life called cell. All organism composed
of cell. Some are composed of single cell called unicellular organism- are
capable of independent existence and performing essential function of life and
others are like us, multicellular organism.
The structure of cell:
The surface of the cell called membrane or
plasma membrane- a structure that separate the inside of the cell from outside
environment. It is composed of two layers of fat molecules that are free to
flow around one another. Most chemicals can’t cross the membrane but specific
protein channels in the membrane permit a controlled flow of water, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and other important
chemicals. Except red blood cells (RBC), all animal cells contain a nucleus- a
machinery to keep neuron alive; a mitochondria- a structure that perform
metabolic activities and provide energy that the cell require for all other
activities, Mitochondria required fuel and oxygen to function; a ribosomes- are
the sites at which the cell synthesizes new protein molecules, protein provide
building material for all the cell and facilitate various chemical reactions.
Some ribosomes float freely within the cell whereas other are attached to
Endoplasmic reticulum- A network of tin tubes that transport new synthesize
protein to other locations.
Kinds of cell:
The nervous system consists two kinds of cell-
neuron and glia. Neuron are the information career of the nervous system, they
convey message to other neuron, muscles or to gland over great distances. The
glia, generally smaller than the neuron, have many functions but do not convey
information over great distances.
Neuron founds in many sizes and shapes but
they have certain features in common. Larger neuron have these components:
dendrites, cell body (soma), axon and synaptic terminals. The tiniest neuron
found with lack axon and lack defined dendrites so they convey information
either through graded potential or through dendrites that’s mean if the neuron
doesn’t have axon than it’s possible to transmit information to other neuron.
Dendrites are usually short and have many branches (looks like a tree branches)
which receive stimulation from other neuron. Axon, on the other hand, quite
long in a cylindrical tube form that extent from cell body or soma. The
function of the axon is to conduct nerve impulse to other neuron, muscle or to
gland. In many cases axon has a white fatty covering called “myelin sheath”- a
sheath of proteins ½ mm in thickness contains specialized glial cells that wrap
themselves around the axon. This covering increase the speed with which nerve
impulse send down to axon. Myelin sheath is particularly prevalent where rapid
transmission of action potential is critical for example- along axon that
stimulate skeletal muscles. Neurons have small gaps between them are called
“Nodes of Ranvier”. The insulation provided by myelin sheath allows for
salutatory conduction in which the nerve impulse jump from one Nodes of Ranvier
to another. This greatly increase the speed of transmission of the action
potential down to axon. Finally near its end axon divides into small number of
branches known as axon terminals.
Multiple Sclerosis:
A type of disease by which myelin sheath of a
neuron is damaged and created a barrier for passing impulse to another. Because
myelin sheath prevent from short circuiting one another like as electrical
wires. This disorder, in which symptoms first become evident between ages 16 - 30
year. The immune system attack and damaged own myelin sheath.
Types of neuron:
Basically neuron are classified into three
categories: sensory neuron (Afferent neuron), motor neuron (Efferent neuron)
and inter neuron (Intrinsic neuron).
Sensory neuron
are highly sensitive at one end for particular type of stimulation Such as
light, sound, touch etc. They transmit impulses received by receptors to
central nervous system. Receptors are the specialized cells in the sense
organs, muscles, skin and joints that detect physical or chemical changes and
translate these events to impulses that travel along the sensory neuron.
Motor neuron has
its cell body (soma) in spinal cord. It receive excitation from other neuron
through its dendrites and conduct impulses. Typically, motor neuron carry out
going signals from central nervous system to muscles or gland.
Inter neuron- if
a cell’s dendrites and axon are entirely contained within a single structure
called inter neuron of that structure. Interneuron found only in brain, eye and
spinal cord.
Mirror neuron:
are the group of neuron found in the premotor cortex that respond both to
witnessed (observed) movements in others and to the analogous movement of self.
Similar neurons have also found in the sensory association cortex in parietal
lobe that linked to empathy- those feeling of concern, compassion and sympathy
for others and even the development of language in humans. Typically, mirror
neuron fire not only when a person enacts a particular but also when a person
simply observe another individual carrying out the same behavior. That’s mean
this neuron involves in observational learning. The discovery of mirror neuron
suggest that the capacity of even young children to imitate others may be an
inborn behavior.
Glia (or
neuroglia), the other major components of the nervous system, do not transmit information
over long distances as neurons do, although they perform many other functions. The
term glia, derived from a Greek word meaning “glue,” reflects early
investigators’ idea that glia were like glue that held the neurons together.
Although that concept is obsolete, the term remains. Glia are smaller but more
numerous than neurons. The brain has several types of glia with different
The star-shaped astrocytes wrap around
the presynaptic terminals of a group of functionally related axons. By taking
up ions released by axons and then releasing them back to axons, an astrocyte
helps synchronize the activity of the axons, enabling them to send messages in
waves. Astrocytes also remove waste material created when neurons die and control
the amount of blood flow to each brain area. An additional function is that
during periods of heightened activity in some brain areas, astrocytes dilate
the blood vessels to bring more nutrients into that area. Uncertainty surrounds
another possible function: Neurons communicate by releasing certain
transmitters, such as glutamate. After a neuron releases much glutamate,
nearby glia cells absorb some of the excess. We know that the glia convert most
of this glutamate into a related chemical, glutamine, and then pass it
back to the neurons, which convert it back to glutamate, which they get ready
for further release. (It’s a recycling system.) The uncertain question is
whether glia cells also release glutamate and other chemicals themselves
very small cells, also remove waste material as well as viruses, fungi, and other
microorganisms. In effect, they function like part of the immune system.
Oligodendrocytes in the brain and spinal cord and Schwann
cells in the periphery of the body are specialized types of glia that build
the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate certain vertebrate axons.
Radial glia guide
the migration of neurons and their axons and dendrites during embryonic
development. When embryological development finishes, most radial glia
differentiate into neurons, and a smaller number differentiate into astrocytes
and oligodendrocytes.
The Nerve Impulses: Resting and
Action Potential
Information moves along the neuron in the form
of a neural impulse called action potential- An electro-chemical impulse that
travels from the cell body down to the end of axon. Each action potential is
result of movement by electrically charged molecules, known as ions, in and out
the neuron. The neuron are very selective about what ions can flow in and out
the cell that is the cell membrane of neuron is semipermeable- which means that
some ions can pass through easily but others are not allowed in the membrane
are open. The proteins that regulate the flow of ions are such sodium (Na+),
potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++) and chloride (Cl-).
Each ion channel is very selective permitting only one type of ion to flow it
when it is open.
When neuron is not generating an action
potential, is referred to as a resting neuron (polarization). At rest cell
membrane is not permitting to Na+ ions to flow inside of neuron and
these ions are found at high concentration outside of the neuron. In contrast,
the membrane is permeable to K+ ions, which tend to concentrate
inside of the neuron. In this way the resting neuron maintain high
concentration of Na+ ions outside of the neuron and low inside it
(inside of the neuron more negative than outside). The electrical potential of
a neuron at rest is term ‘resting membrane potential’ and range from -50 to
-100 millivolts (-70 millivolts).
When the neuron is stimulated by an excitatory
input, the voltage difference across the cell membrane is reduced, the process
called ‘depolarization’. If the depolarization is large enough, the voltage
sensing Na+ channels located at the top of axon is open briefly and
Na+ Ions flood into the cell. The electrical potential of a
neuron at depolarization ranging from -50 millivolts to +40 millivolts. The
speed of action potential as it travels downs vary from 2 to 200 miles per hour
(1 to 120 meter per second).
All or none law: like a gun, neuron either fire that is
transmit an electrical impulse along the axon or doesn’t fire. Neuron is either
on or off with nothing between the on and off stage. More typically, the size
of an action potential is constant and can’t be triggered by a stimulus unless
it reached at threshold level. Thus, in response to any synaptic input, a
neuron either fire an action potential or it doesn’t, and if fire action
potential, the potential is always same size.
The axon tips of a neuron make a functional
connection with the dendrites or cell bodies of other neuron at synapses. The
terminal button does not actually touch the dendrites or cell bodies of
receiving cell, there is a slight gap called ‘synaptic cleft’ between the
terminal button and the cell body of receiving cell.
A number of small bulb, called boutons are
found at the end of axon. Boutons have in them small bodies or vesicles that
contain neurotransmitters- a chemical substance that diffuse across the
synaptic cleft and stimulates or inhibit the next neuron. These chemicals
released from the vesicles into synaptic cleft when a nerve impulse reached the
buttons of the transmitting cell. The neurotransmitter combines with the
specialized receptor molecules in the receptor region of receiving cell.
Communication between Synapses:
Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers that
transmit information from one neuron to another ones. The major
neurotransmitters are Acetylcholine, Dopamine, Serotonin, Epinephrine
(Adrenalin), Nor-epinephrine (nor-adrenalin), GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid),
Glutamate and Glycine.
Acetylcholine (Ach):
found throughout the nervous system is usually excitatory (Brain and ANS) but
it can also be inhibitory, depending on the type of receptor molecules in the
membrane of the receiving neuron.
It is also found
at all neuromuscular junctions therefore anything that interferes with the
action of Ach can produce paralysis.
Acetylcholine is
particularly prevalent in an area of the forebrain called hippocampus, which
plays a key role in formation of new memories.
Ach play a
prominent role in Alzheimer disease that affect many older people by causing
impairment of memory and other cognitive functions.
Dopamine (DA):
DA produced by
the neurons located at the brain region “substantia nigra” involved in
movement, attention and learning.
Release of
dopamine in certain areas of the brain produce intense feeling pf pleasure, and
current research is investigating the role of DA in the development of
Degeneration of
DA has been linked to “Parkinson disease” and too much dopamine in some areas
of the brain caused “schizophrenia”.
Norepinephrine (Noradrenalin):
Mainly produce by
the neurons in the brain stem. Any drug that causing norepinephrine to increase
or decrease in the brain is correlated with an increase or decrease in the individual’s
mood level.
Cocaine and
amphetamines prolong the action of norepinephrine by slowing down its reuptake.
Because of this delay, the receiving neuron are activated for a longer period,
which causes these drugs stimulating psychological effects. In contrast,
lithium, speeds up the reuptake for norepinephrine, causing a person mood level
to be depressed.
Serotonin (5HT):
Serotonin found
throughout the nervous system and primarily Inhibitory except hippocampus.
neurotransmitter play a crucial role in mood regulation like as norepinephrine
for example, low level of serotonin have been associated with feelings of
Serotonin is also
important in the regulation of sleep and appetite, it is also used to treat the
eating disorder bulimia.
It is implicate
in the regulation of pain, dreaming, suicide, coping with stress and
The excitatory
neurotransmitter glutamate is present in more neurotransmitters of the CNS than
any other transmitters.
Of the three or
more subtypes of glutamate receptors, one in particular, NDMA subtype thought
to affect learning and memory.
Disruptions in
glutamate neurotransmission have been implicated in schizophrenia.
GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid):
GABA found
throughout central nervous system, is a major inhibitory transmitter in brain.
It is implicate
in sleep, aggression, eating disorders and anxiety disorders.
Researchers often refers neuropeptides as
neuromodulators, because they have several properties that set them apart from
other transmitters. Whereas the neuron synthesizes most other neurotransmitters
in the presynaptic terminals, it synthesizes neuropeptides in the cell body and
then slowly transport them to other parts of the cell. Whereas other neurotransmitters
are released at the axon terminals, neuropeptides are mainly released by
dendrites, and also by the cell body and sides of the axon. Whereas a single
action potential can release other neurotransmitters, neuropeptides release
require repeated stimulation. However, after a few dendrites release a
neuropeptides, the released chemical primes other nearby dendrites to release
the same neuropeptide also, including dendrites of other cell.
Hormone is a chemical that secreted by cells in
one part of body and conveyed by the blood to influence other cells. A
neurotransmitter like a telephone signal: it conveys a message from sender to
the intended receiver whereas hormones function more like a radio station: they
convey a message to any receiver tuned in to the right station. Neuropeptides
are intermediate. They are like hormones, except they diffuse only within the
brain and the blood doesn’t carry them to other parts of the body. Among the
various types of hormones are protein hormones and peptides hormones, composed
of chain of amino acids. Protein are longer chain of amino acids, peptides are
short chain of amino acids and neuropeptides are considered as chain of amino
acids. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands whose makeup endocrine system.
1. Pituitary gland: attached to the hypothalamus, consists two
different glands, the posterior pituitary and
the anterior pituitary, which released
different sets of hormones. The posterior pituitary,
composed of neural tissue, can be considered an extension of hypothalamus.
Neurons in the hypothalamus synthesizes the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin,
which migrate down axons to the posterior pituitary. Later, the posterior
pituitary release these hormones into the blood.
2. The anterior pituitary, composed of glandular tissues, synthesizes
six different hormones, although hypothalamus control their release. The
hypothalamus secretes releasing hormones, which flow through the blood to the
anterior pituitary.
3. Pituitary
gland also known as master gland because it controls the functioning of the
rest of the endocrine system. The trophic hormone released by anterior
pituitary used to control rest endocrine system.
4. Hormones
released by anterior pituitary are:
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) -
control the secretion of adrenal cortex (cortisone) whereas adrenal medulla
(adrenalin and noradrenalin) control by autonomic nervous system.
Thyroid – stimulating hormone (TSH) - control the secretion of thyroid gland.
Somatotropin (GH) – also known as growth hormone promotes
growth throughout the body.
Prolactin – controls secretions of the mammary gland (increase milk
Follicle – stimulating
hormone (FSH) – control secretions of gonads.
Luteinizing hormone – increase the production of progesterone
(females) and testosterone (male); stimulate ovulation.
Pineal gland –
Melatonin - Increases sleepiness, influences sleep–wake cycle, also has a role
in onset of puberty.
Thyroid gland –
Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine - Increases metabolic rate, growth, and
– Parathyroid hormone - Increases blood calcium and decreases potassium.
Adrenal cortex –
Aldosterone - Reduces secretion of salts by the kidneys.
– Cortisol and corticosterone
- Stimulates liver to elevate sugar, increase metabolism of proteins and fats.
Adrenal medulla –
Epinephrine, norepinephrine Similar to effects of sympathetic nervous system.
Pancreas – Insulin –
Increases entry of glucose to cells and increases storage as fats.
– Glucagon – Increases conversion of stored fats to
blood glucose.
Ovary – Estrogens – Promote female sexual characteristics.
– Progesterone – Maintains pregnancy.
10. Testis – Androgens – Promote sperm production, growth of pubic
hair, and male
sexual characteristics.
11. Liver – Somatomedins – Stimulate growth.
12. Kidney – Renin – Converts a blood protein into
angiotensin, which regulates blood pressure and contributes to hypovolemic
13. Thymus – Thymosin (and
others) – Support immune
14. Fat cells – Leptin – Decreases appetite, increases
activity, necessary for onset of puberty
Cranial Nerve:
medulla control vital reflexes- including breathing, heart rate, vomiting,
salivation, coughing and sneezing-
through the cranial nerves- which control sensation from the head, muscle
movements in the head, and much of the parasympathetic output to the organs. Some cranial nerves include both
sensory and motor components, whereas other have just one or another. Just as
the lower part of body connected to spinal cord via sensory and motor neve, the
receptors muscles of the head and organs connect to the brain by 12 pairs of
cranial nevres.
To remember
cranial nerves- “on old Olympus topmost top” and “A fat armed German viewed
some hopes”
Olfactory nerve
Optic nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Eye Movement
Trochlear nerve
Eye Movement
Trigeminal nerve
Jaw Movement
and Face Sensations
Abducens nerve
Eye Movement
Facial nerve
Statoacoustic nerve
Balance and Hearing
Movement and
Teste of Tongue
Vagus nerve
Movement of
lungs, heart, muscles for voice
Spinal-accessory nerve
Movement of
Hypoglossal nerve
Swallow and
speech articulation
Organization of Brain:
division of vertebrate brain according to neurologist:
1. Myelencephalon- Medulla
2. Metencephalon- pons, Cerebellum
Midbrain (Mesencephalon): Tectum,
Tegmentum, Superior colliculus, Inferior colliculus, Substentia nigra
1. Diencephalon- Thalamus, Hypothalamus
2. Telencephalon- Cerebral Cortex
Hippocampus, Basal
There are number
of ways to conceptualize the brain:
Hindbrain- which
include all the structures located hind or posterior part of brain, closest to
the spinal cord.
Midbrain- located
middle of the brain.
include all the structures located in the front or anterior portion of the
According to (MacLean, 1973) human brain as
three concentric layers:
The central core
(brainstem), which regulates our most primitive behaviors.
The Limbic system
which control our emotions.
The cerebrum
which regulate our higher intellectual processes.
In the autonomy
of human brain and many other vertebrates, the brain stem is the posterior part
of the brain, adjoining and structurally continuous with spinal cord. In
humans, it described as including medulla oblongata (Myelencephalon), pons
(part of metencephalon) and less frequently part of diencephalon are included.
The brain stem provide the main motor and sensory connection to face and neck
via cranial nerve. Of the 12 pairs of cranial nerve 10 comes from brain stem
(3-12). This is the part of the brain as the nerve connections of the motor and
sensory system from the main part of the brain to rest of the body pass through
brain stem.
Brain stem also
play a crucial role in cardiac and respiratory functions (involuntary), sleep
cycles, maintaining consciousness that is necessary for life.
A narrow
structure that control breathing and some reflex actions that help maintain
upright posture. Also at this point, the major nerve tract cross over so that
the right side of the brain is connected to left side of the body and the left
side of the brain connected to right side of the body.
The word ‘pons’
comes from the Latin meaning ‘bridge’. A portion of the brain through which
sensory and motor information passes and which contain the structures relating
to sleep, arousal and regulation of muscle tone and reflex. Also connect
medulla and thalamus. This structure joining two halves of cerebellum which
lies adjacent to it.
Also called
‘little brain’. Off to the back of the brain a large and complex structure
called cerebellum. This structure receive sensory and other inputs from the
spinal cord, brainstem and forebrain; it processes this information and then
send outputs to many parts of the brain to help make our movements precise,
coordinated and smooth. Damage to the cerebellum results jerky, uncoordinated
The cerebellum is
important for learning new motor responses (Thompson, 1994). It also involves
in intellectual function ranging from the analysis of information (sensory) to
problem solving (bower & person, 2003, 2007).
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